Integrated Services Program
Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs
What we do

ISP Care Coordination
Individualized Care Coordination for families with children who have special needs, ages 0-22 years.

Transition to Adulthood Services
Care coordination to guide the needs of youth transitioning into the adult world.

0-8 Care Coordination
Care Coordination helping parents with children ages 0 to 8 who are seeking information, resources, and referrals for early childhood services.
Our mission
The Integrated Services Program assists families of children and youth who have special health care needs by facilitating direct clinical services, care coordination, transition to adulthood, and advocating for primary care and comprehensive health care.
Care Coordination
Raising a child is a joy and has its challenges. If your child has special health care needs, that job is even more complex. Navigating the system to ensure your child’s and family’s needs are met can be frustrating and overwhelming.
We are here to partner with families of children and youth with special health care needs to connect and coordinate services which may assist your child's development.
Our services include:
- Referral to resources and support services
- Connecting families to Medicaid, CHIP, Supplemental Security Income and/or health insurance
- Assisting families with organizational needs:
- Establishing a Care Notebook of the child’s specific needs by organizing doctor’s appointments, medications, school plans and resources; and community resources.
- Helping families to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaires.
- Reviewing results with parents and assisting with concerns as well as highlighting successes.
- Making referrals to appropriate developmental resources as applicable.
- Working with families to understand the transition to adulthood process:
- Providing transition-related information, resources, and referral for children with special needs ideally beginning around 12-14 years of age.
- Working with youth throughout the transition period, regardless of age.
- Exploring housing and financial issues and solutions.
- Working through behavioral health issues.
- Helping families understand and work through educational needs, concerns, and plans.
- Helping families create realistic care plans that include:
- Health care goals
- Life goals
- Family self-sufficiency goals
- Educational developmental goals
- Behavioral/Mental health components
- Transition to adulthood activities
- Evaluating progress toward completing those goals.
- Follow up and monitoring of care plans
Your values and beliefs are important to us. You determine what, when, and how we help you. Some families may only need a few tips or resources. Other families may need more intensive coordination for an extended period of time.
Privacy and confidentiality are paramount as we work together.
Integrated Services Program Care Coordination
Integrated Services Program provides 1:1 care coordination for families throughout Utah with children with special needs. Care coordinators can assist families to navigate systems and ensure the child's and family's needs are being met. We have a multidisciplinary team of care coordinators ready to discuss concerns, refer to applicable programs, and connect to services. We strive to empower parents and meet the developmental needs of their children.
Privacy and confidentiality are foremost with our services.
Integrated Services Flyer (PDF)
[email protected]
Phone: (801) 273-2988
Transition to Adulthood
It is important to address needs pertaining to your youth transitioning into the adult world. This can include issues such as independence,
education, employment, housing, and health care. Planning can start as early as 12-14 years of age. Our care coordination team can help you
with navigating this process.
Phone: (801) 273-2988
Integrated Services Program Birth through age 8 Care Coordination
The Care Coordinator will act as a central point of contact for parents with children ages 0 to 8 who are seeking information, resources, and referrals for early childhood services that may be an option for them. A care coordinator will provide support through a process that helps families identify and address the needs of young children residing in the home.
0-8 Care Coordination (PDF) | Asistencia Coordinada 0-8 (PDF)
[email protected]
Phone: (801) 273-2804
Contact us
Utah Department of Health and Human servicesOffice of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Integrated Services Program
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
Monday thru Friday - 8 am to 5 pm
phone number (801) 273-2988