System of Care

Office of Coordinated Care & Regional Supports

Expansion and Sustainability Grant

System of Care Expansion Grant seeks to expand Utah's System of Care to previously unserved communities, including American Indian communities (commitment letters from Paiute Tribe and Navajo Nation), and in frontier and rural areas of the state.

Program Summary

System of Cares goal is to expand community mental health services for children with serious emotional disturbance/serious mental illness in order to assist them in remaining in their homes, schools, and communities.

The purpose of the program is to improve mental health outcomes for children and youth, 2 to 21, and their families. We do this by providing High Fidelity Wraparound Intensive Care Coordination to qualifying youth and their families, and contracting with local mental health authorities for stabilization and mobile response services.

Incorporating the principles of High Fidelity Wraparound into the infrastructure of the System of Care model includes utilizing family voice and choice, team based, natural supports, collaboration, community based, culturally competent, individualized, and strength based across the service array.

  • High Fidelity Wraparound is considered a promising practice on the federal clearinghouse for evidence based practices
  • High Fidelity Wraparound Intensive Care Coordination is available statewide
  • 154 youth are participating in High Fidelity Wraparound Intensive Care Coordination point in time 2023

Funding Stream:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) grant

Grant Objectives

High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW)- Intensive Care Coordination that follows a series of steps to help youth and families reach success and stay in their community.

Stabilization and Mobile Response - Short term in home services to support youth and families in long-term stabilization and success for crisis situations.

Center of Excellence - Research outcomes and longitudinal data analysis of system of care programs.

Family and Youth Voice - Expand youth peer and family peers supports to work with HFW teams in rural and frontier areas of Utah.

Intensive Care Coordination Referral

Contact us


Utah Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Family Health
Office of Coordinated Care & Reginal Support
195 North 1950 West
PO Box 142002
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2002


Boni Taylor
[email protected]


Monday thru Friday - 8 am to 5 pm
phone number (435) 650-6447